About The Fund

The Fund, a Joint Initiative

Our philosophy

To build alliances with like-minded public and private organisations (public investors, multilateral organisations, development finance institutions, NGOs, foundations and private institutional investors), in order to increase access to finance for innovative green businesses in the Mediterranean and allow the Switchers to transform innovative ideas into projects and gradually turn them into sustainable green businesses.

The envisioned objective is to create a “win win” situation in which green entrepreneurs obtain access to finance, financial providers can safely invest in green entrepreneurship, and pressure on natural resources and human capital is kept at a sustainable level, with future generations able to benefit and capable of thriving.

The SwitchersFund aims to lead by the example and attract other financial actors to do the same, it is a financial catalyst.


Our mission

To facilitate investments directly to these pioneers, through a mix of grants and technical assistance, as a way of strengthening their start-up projects and a stepping-stone towards raising additional funds in their countries.

The SwitchersFund has three main goals: proving that finance for green start-ups can work; filling the financing and technical assistance gaps; and networking with all the relevant stakeholders in this process.

We guarantee a pool of Support Services including:

  • Grants to allow the Switchers to test new ideas and attract new funders;
  • Technical assistance to help the Switchers test new products and enter new markets;
  • Advice from a team of international experts;
  • Investment and business networking opportunities.

The SwitchersFund facilitates Impact investments to support organisations on the creation of social and environmental benefits, in addition to generating financial returns


What do we invest in?