Rimonim Venture Capital

1. Description

Name of the organisation Rimonim Venture Capital
Typology Venture Capital
Description Rimonim Venture Capital is a significant investor in early-stage Israeli and Israeli-related food and agrotech companies, taking an active role in company management and preserving cash for follow-on rounds to minimize dilution and maximize shares at exit.
Rimonim understands the maturity horizon in agrotech and considers the entire spectrum in order to achieve a balanced investment portfolio to create value. It takes into account the shorter-term maturities of companies involved in precision agriculture, climate control, and IT, and the longer-term maturities of technologies related to functional foods, aquaculture, plant breeding, pesticides, and sustainability.
Location Kfar Vitkin
Geographical scope Israel
Experiences in financing eco innovative projects /
Instruments equity investment
Average investment – amount /

2. Investor Criteria

Scope of operations – Industry/tags Food and agrotech
Phase of growth Growth and Scale
Most important prerequisites for financing a project /
Most important barriers that prevent financing /
Minimum investment required /
Currently available financial products Equities

3. Contact details

Contact persons / emails /
Address and telephone PO Box 331 Kefar Vitkin 40200 Office: +972.9.8664.468
Web site http://rimonimfund.com