1. Description

Name of organization VITAS
Typology Loans
Description Vitas Palestine was established in 2014 and was launched in 01.01.2015. It is considered as an extension to Ryada program for lending and financial services, which was established in 1995 as one of the most important specialized programs in providing housing loans and small business development loans in the Palestinian territories for Global Communities (formerly known as CHF International).
Vitas Palestine seeks to enable all people with a desire and capacity to improve their lives to have access to the financial services they need to help them realize their potential and become full social and economic participants in their communities.. It also endeavors to provide financial products and services that meet the needs of its customers and enhance the long-term development for individuals, businesses, families and communities among which they live.
Vitas Palestine aims to open the field for investment and raise its capital to almost $50 million by the end of 2017.
It also looks up to opening new branches in different locations as well as increasing the number of the active loans up to 16,000 loan by creating new products that meet the market’s needs.
Location Branches in West bank and Gaza: 10
Geographical scope Palestine
Experiences in financing eco innovative projects
Average investment – amount 4500$ loan /9000+ loans

2. Investor Criteria

Scope of operations – Industry/tags Non- bank people
Phase of grow Growth
Most important prerequisites for financing a project Experience more than 12 months / ability and Willingness to repay the loan
Most important barriers that prevent financing Use of the loan for personal issues / financing should not cover more than 50% of the total investor
Minimum investment required 25% for start up / 50% for existing
Currently available financial products home imporovment loan / business loan

3. Contact details

Contact persons / emails
Address and telephone Ramallah- abu iyad str. ( GIZ buliding)
Web site