

1. Description

Name of the organisation IMCapital
Typology Venture Capital
Description IMCapital stimulates early-stage private investments by co-financing and guaranteeing capital.
Location Lebanon
Geographical scope Lebanon
Experiences in financing eco innovative projects Equity investment in food production : L’atelier de miel and Taqa
Instruments Matching Capital, Equity Guarantee and support Programmes to a Board range of qualified early-stage business and investor.
Average investment – amount Ceiling of  500K$.

2. Investor Criteria

Scope of operations – Industry/tags Innovation and not tech. start-ups
Phase of grow – business stage and target group of clients Growth and Scale
Most important prerequisites for financing a project One of the main criteria for approving any co-investment is the involvement of a solid and experienced management team who have identified a creditable market niche with significant growth potential.
Most important barriers that prevent financing Tech project
Minimum investment required N/A
Currently available financial products Matching equity, investment guarantee, angel funding

3. Contact details

Contact persons / emails
Address and telephone Im capital (Holding) s.a.l. – Berytech Bldg #1294, Beirut Digital District ; Bechara El Khoury St., Bachoura, Beirut, Lebanon ;
Web site